
No looped animation–secondlife vs. MMD

[Japanese follows English]

Sometimes people who tried MMD(MikuMikuDance) imported animation in secodlife said “Why these animations are not looped?”. Yes, almost all of secondlife dance animations are looped one so I understand your questions.

There is a big limitation of secondlife animation. All animations should be under 30 seconds for one animation. However mmd animations are not under 30 seconds therefore I should separate MMD motion into several dance motions for secondlife.

If I upload these separated motion files as “looped” animation, it will be so sensitive control to make sequencing dance with several motions by script. There are so many causes to delay script in-world. Therefore I also checked [loop] and use [In(%)] option.


This motion file will be looped motion as same as other secondlife dance animation but looping frame is the last frame only by In(%) 99.999 option. It will be just “looped pose” at the last frame.

Next dance animation will start from same pose, position and rotation. (to be exact, starting next frame in mmd motion) If you make sequencing dance order by dance HUD  notecard and set correctly play-time for each animation, you can see whole sequencing dance animation over 30 seconds in-world.

And it’s so important if you would like to dance over couple (like 3, 4, 5.. dancers) dance, you need to manipulate their positions and rotations.

Some guys say MLDU is couple dance HUD but I made MLDU5+ for not only couple dance but also multiple dancers as you like and if you have motions for multiple players.

Dance motion, avatar’s position and rotation can be described into MLDU5+ notecard for single motion, couple motion and more than couple. I would like to dance MMD dance motions in-world therefore this multiple avatars’ position and rotation control should be implemented in multi motion MLDU5+.

5 avatars MMD motion in-world [FREELY TOMORROW]

6 avatars MMD motion in-world [Maji Love 1000% by Miku Avatars]

To control avatar’s position and rotation, we need “sitting balls” rezzed from dance HUD or Balls. Like Intan provides sit balls for couple dance, MLDU5+ also rezzes sit balls for appropriate number of dancers.

Each sit ball has their own number. You can describe dance motion name, dancer’s position and rotation for the number. When avatar sits the ball, the avatar will dance and moving as you described in notecard.

If you are interested in how you can write the MLDU notecard, please see below.

10 FAQs of multi motion mldu5+ (part1)
10 FAQs of multi motion mldu5+ (part2)

Enjoy second life dancing!

multi motion mldu5+ in marketplace


配布している、MLDU5+に同梱している MMD 移植モーションですが、ときどき「ダンスアニメーションなのにループしてない?」という疑問を聞くことがあります。


そこでアップするMMDモーションは他のセカンドライフモーション同様に [ループ] のオプションを使いますが、ループイン(%)で 99.999 を指定します。これで、最後のフレームだけをポーズのようにループし続けるモーションになります。これならつなげやすいですよね。

また、MMDモーション、とくに2人以上、3人以上の場合はつなげるだけではだめで、ダンサーそれぞれの位置と向きが重要になります。これらをコントロールするためにカップルダンスで有名な Intan なども Sit ball を使うわけで、MLDU5+ も同様に Sit ボールでアバタ―の向きや位置をコントロールすることが可能です。


1 件のコメント:

  1. 私もたまーにですがセカンドライフというのをやっています。
